Thursday, September 18, 2008

Would you ever want to have a loud stereo system in your car?


Anonymous said...

Well of course i dont know who wouldnt because it would be sweet!
I would want to because i like to listen to music and why not listen to it even louder than normal. Youd have to be stupid not to.

Dustin R said...

2. Of course I would have a loud system in my truck. It would go good with a loud truck. And also playing Metallica in the system it would just sound nice.

Megan S said...

Yes i would love to have a loud stereo system in my car! I love having my music loud! marcus always gets mad when i do though because he likes to be able to hear me and talk to me.

Shannon K said...

Yes Dj that would be my dream to have a loud and bumpin car audio system in my car. I did have a small car audio system but nothing like what other ppl have, maybe could help me out sumetime and help me hook a car audio system up.

Andrew S said...

Yeah i would like to have a loud stereo system in my car but probablay will never happen because i dont got the money for it but if i did have the money i would.

Anonymous said...

NO, loud stuff is for the DEVIL! No im just kidding, I think that having a loud stero system in my ...Moped, would probably be really awesome, but It would probably be the last thing on my mind.

Tyler H said...

Yes i would like to have a system in my 98' mustang that i have at home and already have the subs and the amp to put it in just have to have time to go it professionally done.

Micheal S said...

yeah really I mean you have to have loud music to drive I think that some ppl just do it to be cool but then again who isnt cool when they come driving by with loud music going by

Joey G said...

2. Yes I would like to have a louder car stereo than what i have know. My plans are to put two twelve inch either kicker or alpine subwoofers with a custom fiberglass box and have 2 new amps 1 that is 4 channels 1000 watt and another that is 2 channel 3000 watt.

Colton G said...

I currently have two kicker competion subs and a small rockford fosgate amp. The amp is pretty small so I would like to purchase a bigger one.

Justin R said...

DJ. I wouldn't mind have a loud system in my truck, I have one already but it sure isn't the loudest but its just fine for me. So the answer to your question is yes.

Kelsey A. said...

No because with the stereo I have now I hate because one of the speakers is broken and it viberates.

Robert c said...

Yes, becuse to maked the old frets mad plus it would be cool to listen to our favorite music but it wouldn't rap becuse rap is crap it would be AC/DC, Metellice

chad said...

Yes, I have one in my truck. How big is your system in your car? Did you have fun put in your system in your car.

Mr. Matt Christensen said...

No. I wouldn't want to annoy other drivers. I wouldn't want to deafen my daughter and wife. I wouldn't want to bring attention to myself, either. I see the appeal in it--used to love it with my friends Joey, Mike, and Paul, all of whom had impressive albums and systems. Mine was average, back in the day, when I played Cypress Hill albums, meant for "booming," so to speak. Eric Koch showed me a wonderful system in his Jeep last year--he sure was an expert. I'm glad to have another expert here this year. You must get an immense feeling of accomplishment and mastery every time you succeed with your stereo work.

Bill F said...

Yes, I would but I do not have because of low money. Were did you get your's if it is ok to ask.

Anonymous said...

no i dont think it would it would be nice blowing your eardrums out to the point where you cant hear any more. plus, all you need from a car is ot be able to from point a to point b.